Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Op Shop Treasure...

I love me some Op Shopping... I can spend a lot of time looking for bargains and bric-a-brac... Joy of Joys! Here are some of the goodies I have found... SOME...

Retro cookie container in the fill-a-bag for $3 of bric-a-brac bin.

Three suitcases for a $1 each for possible storage or for using in my brothers up and coming nuptials

Love this $3 beauty! Chuck a tealight in it and hang it up.

This was in the fill-a-bag thing. I have splashes of red in my lounge, it goes with my three stacked teapots I scored for $2 each.

Love this bottle vase, I got it a night market for $5?

This is for ravioli I think. If I ever want to make pasta this baby is coming out.

What treasures have you found lately???


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